Roop has so far done nothing to prove herself. In last week task everybody was feeling scared even pradeep didnt know swimming but he did well but roop couldn't last inside the water 4 a minute. What a roadie spirit and at top of that she was commenting on paulami performance that earlier pauli is back, pauli atleat tried hiting balls. She is too diplomatic just there in game bcoz of politics. She is buttering pradeep and sandeep. As a person also her personality doesn't add any value to the show too boring to watch just only one facts remain in her favour her good looks.
i love tamana
ReplyDeleteWhatever may have happened in roadies... but i think Roop is a very nice person in her personal life...
ReplyDeleteI'm so happyyy tht thiz BIATCHHHHH....DAMMMMNNN BITCH IZZZ OUT OF THIZZZ GAMEEE.....!!!
ReplyDeleteroop is beautiful
ReplyDeleteroop ki maaki .......... accha hua wo chali gai .
ReplyDeletei just love roop she is a sexy , beautiful girl .......