MTV Roadies 6 - Final 4 Analysis
Ok so m making it while hoping there r no more comebacks. Coz if there will be any the show will loose its flavour(Untill n unless the coming back ones r those first 5).....
Now, after yesterday's episode we have 4 roadies remaining in the show and 3 are girls and 1 boy....
Boy No. 1(or this one can be guy or maybe not hmmm whatever)
Nauman Aka No-Man
He is the only guy Roadie left in the show and no matter what, he performed whenever it mattered and was out of politics. I mean he played but never showed that he is playing.
He will Win because:-
* Tamanna ke dil ki duayen uske saath hain.
* Many girls somehow like him
* Perform good when matters
* People hate Palak and Palak hate Nauman, so viewers will have a soft corner for him.
Girl No. 1 (She may be a guy...chances hain so I don't know if I'm right or wrong)
Palak Aka Pluck Aka Pa-Lack
Ok this girl type human bull is another equally strong contender for the title this season as she can beat the hell out of anyone without using any limb of hers(uska munh hi kaafi hai) and moreover she has the ability to perform but is a selfish girl who performs only when she has to save her a$$..
She will win coz:-
* Her luck(no one can argue on that)
* Tries to give her best when immunity is guaranteed.
* Can play politics.
if she wins...will she get two karizmas ( i think the first roadie to do that)
Girl No. 2 (She can be an alien so again it can be a mistake calling her a girl)
Paulomi aka polo,polly
So she is a sweet,honest,innocent,nice n dumb roadie. She is a girl who can never be fit for being a roadie but still no one survived in a more efficient way the way she did. She is the eldest of them all and obv make up ki dukaan hai ye gadhi.
She will win coz:-
* Performed well when least expected from her
* She is a threat for no one
* Has no good friends but no enemy too
* Is expected to play her game now after being low profile and never came into contention coz she never raised her opinion against anyone in front of them.
* Black magic will help her
Girl No. 3 (no comments she is deserving)
Natasha Sinha
Ok this girl from chandigarh is one of the two to have reached the final 4 on her own basis. she played politics.. performed when she was in danger of going out and no one in the history of roadies must hve back stabbed so many people.
She will win coz:-
* She is deserving
* She is intelligent
* Performed well in last task in India, so is expected to perform well in the end.
* Plays her game but keep a low-profile and doesnt take pangas with anyone
So these are our final four contestants having equal probability of winning the thing.
Time for an exciting thing.... 2 Karizmas are still left and I feel one of them will go out before the finale. So what do you think the friend of Rannvijay is there in next episode to give it to the immune roadie in return of her/his immunity ...SOCHTE RAHO....
Nauman - The Villian ???

Did Nauman scripted the breaking of the group of Sufi, Samrat & Palak?
During Samrat's vote out, Samrat tried telling Sufi about Nauman approaching them to vote Sufi out but he did not listen and during the last vote out Sufi said that Samrat & Palak approached Nauman to vote him out which surely left Palak with her mouth open.
Finally when Sufi was voted out, Palak telling him to watch the TV to know who his friends were!!
In the end it was win-win situation for Nauman as both the strong contestants Samrat and Sufi are out (thanks to the turn of the events) clearing his path.
What's your take?
Was Nauman the "Friend" or the "Villian"?
Sufi Reaches Rannvijay's Heights

Sufi reaches Rannvijay's heights
As we all are seeing how Sufi performs each n every task.....he has impressed raghu!!! an interview about MTV Roadies 7 Devil's Cave, whose auditions will begin in July 2009.
Raghu said that Sufi is the only guy after Rannvijay who impressed him with performing tasks. He also said that after 5 long years he is seeing a true roadie and he will surely work with Sufi in upcoming shows.
Maybe Sufi also becomes a VJ!!!!
Episode 12 Drama Continues
Awww, man - THIS felt like an episode of Roadies!! First, it unprecedently starts off with the voteout and Palak is shown to be voted out. Now, I know this is Roadies and not a Chris Nolan movie so I wasn't really expecting a multiple-layered reverse chronology episode but this lil' touch gave the episode a very fresh twist. Pretty sure a lot of you thought Palak was gone for good but I refused to believe that. Although, the entire episode had me wondering what if an episode were shown entirely in mixed chronology - meaning, we start with the post vote out drama (and say it was someone totally unexpected who went out), then we show the money task, we go back to voteout, immunity task and end with the big reveal pre-voteout politics. Now, THAT would have been a Chris Nolan movie! Anyways, nice spin on things with the flashback story-telling.
So, we do a rewind - Paulami swallows her vomit and Nauman dives out(?) of the pool and we are back to the normal way of things. The journey took the Roadies to Gold Coast and their money task which I will call the Water Explosion Task and Build A Board of English Syllables or in short WET BABES (I have an unusual skill with acronyms - guess who came up with MTV SHITS!)
Brooke, Laura and Rebecca (or BLAR, if you will) came in for the most unusual wet T-shirt contest there could be - now I really do not want to come off sounding like a pervert but all through the task I could only think of two better places where they could have written the letters. Palak's helicopter and reverse dives were funny and seeing that phoolon ka guldasta swimsuit of Natasha's for the second time was superfunny - the communication gaps were bound to happen in an indoor pool with the echoes and the Roadies managed only 37000 bucks. Oh and the six letter word was BRAISED.
And thus, WET BABES climaxed.
Then came the 'Open At Your Own Risk' and I was really hoping it would be a letter bomb when I saw Palak pick it up first. Ah well. Also, I think that curiosity would have eventually gotten the better of the Roadies and that the letter would have been opened one way or another. So, the choice of going through "hell" was never really a choice after all. Or if you will, the choice was sorta like - blow up the other boat or get blown up, one way or another
The twist that the letter eventually brought was absolutely fair - sure, now it seems unjust because the crowd favourite left and the unpopular girl stayed BUT keep in mind that both letters were drafted and sealed together (ie, if you choose to believe Rannvijay) BEFORE the immunity task happened. You cannot say it was unfair because at that point nothing was fixed about the voteout.
The immunity task next which I couldnt name better than - "Clawde lag gaye!" and sacch mein Roadies ke clawde lag gaye after that high protein shake and the high altitude swings on the rotating pendulum. Props to Natasha for going through 4 rounds of that. While, everyone else seemed either scared or too concentrated, she enjoyed the ride all four times like a kid would and had fun jab uske clawde lag rahe thhe. Props to Nauman too for holding on longer and winning immunity at a crucial time.
Then the voteout where I believe Sufi kicked his own ass by opting to write Palak's name. Palak's vote was against Paulami and when the twist happened she would have voted her out had it not been for Sufi's little slip. Had Sufi wrote anyone else's name he would have still remained and that is fact! So do not cry unfair, the guy brought it upon himself and we are left with the Top 4. All girls. Definitely, we'll have a female winner this time. Yay girls!
Episode 12 - 29 March Real Drama
Wow...........just wow... no other words for the start... who could imagine the thing that there will be a flashback and tht too showing who is being voted out (MTV we knw u)
They showed Palak getting voted out and then started the whole thing.
48 hrs before vote out
Now the day started with these guy leaving for Gold Coast which is really an amazing tourist location in Australia.Now in start we have been shown the meeting that took place between 3 girls and Palak telling everyone to kick out the boyz so tht in the last only girls will be left in the last and according to me tht was an amazing planning, obv who can thot that last 3 roadies can be girls.
Now when they reached Gold Coast they were taken to an indoor swimming pool where there next task has to take place and what a task it was.... Bikini clad girls ( nauman's n sufi's expressions were worth noticing) oh man it was great task with lots of confusion n more confusion n then even more of it and wtf they made only 9 words and won 37k.(out of 1.5 lks available)
24hr before voteout
OK and then we came to their room there they got a mobile and they talked to their parent and that part was pretty nice. And then they got an envelope with open at your own risk written on it and then again there were arguments that should we open it or not but majority won and the envelope was opened with following stuff written on it:-"You have to face hell during vote outs" and this made even more obvious that palak is not going.
10 hrs before vote-out
They were taken to an amusement park where there was a ride,THE CLAW. on which they have to perform a task by having a really yummy(m sarcastic for those who get it) milk shake full of protein n what not.... and here Natasha gave a good fight to Nauman but eventually he won it. And Nauman was immune which actually made me happy. But the worst part of the task was ... how the hell can they show anyone vomiting.. the friend of mine sitting next to me literally vomited on me ...damn u MTV2 hrs Before voteout
Now they were taken back to their hotel and there Palak knowing that she will be going out started convincing everyone and it was obvious she din convince anyone properly coz she was voted out as per the intro video(MTV plz notice this goof up)...VOTE OUT
Ok so they came for voteout and were asked to tell the name of everyone who is a threat for them and here there is something of SUFI which i hated n tht was why he sometimes try to be so diplomatic jo hai bol de yaar....And then came the vote out and unsurprisingly palak was voted out hving 4 votes against her. Then came the fight between Palak and Sufi, shit man it was really really very bad.the things Palak told Sufi and Sufi was right when he said."Tera tetuan pakad ke yahi maar dalta tujhe" and how much i prayed at that time that Palak should go out.
But now that envelope twist came n Palak was asked to kick out someone else on her expense... and unfortunately Sufi has to go out.... and which means one thing if Nauman doesnt win the immunity next time he is out. I don't know this but now i am getting feeling that Palak is being supported by the prayers she did before coming to the shows. Man how lucky can someone be, first you got weak challenger n ya before that a comeback and now this.
Now, according to me this was THE BEST thing in HDU this year it really really made me 100 times more interested in this show. And i love it when something just kick away all your expectations and produce something that is true madness in front of u. This is something like watching THE DARK KNIGHT.
The episode was amazing, but Sufi hats of to u. Man we all will miss a roadie like you.
The Baap Of All Twists
Just when everyone thanked God that Palak was finally out, MTV brought the baap of all the twists , Power to Palak - Sufi voted out ! Never expected this at Roadies Hell Down Under.
Well, after watching today's episode I'm not in a mood to write a review on the
episode. But I'l write a review on Palak.
I have only one word for what happened today..and that is " F**k !!! ".
That girl did it again. I mean, how can someone be so hated and yet be so lucky.
Ye toh khud shani devta ka roop prakat hua hai dharti par
Since this episode on I've given hope on Palak ever acting normal or getting eliminated. I wont be surprised if she even goes on and win it. The amount of trouble she's caused and the chaos she create's is just too much. I dont care if Roadies is meant to be fair, but it's not meant for people like this.
Today what she said to Sufi in the Voteout was downright cheap, she has gone down to the lowest and dirtiest level of herself.
Sorry Palak, but I have lost that 1% respect for you which I had in you. You dont even deserve that much.
May God do justice with your sins.
and if this is what a level at which you have to drop down to survive in Roadies, i guess i'd rather quit with hands helds high.
Who all are with me on this one ?
Episode 12 - 29 March Summary
Palak, as usual like a Chameleon, changed her colours this time as well. At the start of the episode, she tried convincing Natasha and Polloumi not to vote against her. As she was going on and on, Natasha told her off and asked her to stop talking about it.
Next came the money task. There were three hot Australian babes wearing white t-shirts. They had alphabets written on their belly. The task for the Roadies was to dive into the water so that the water splashes on those models' t-shirts and the alphabets written on their belly become visible. Three Roadies were to dive into the water and the other two were to make words once those six alphabets were found.
Paulaumi was the captain this time. She decided that Natasha, Palak and Nauman would dive into the water and Sufi and herself would make the words. Palak, as usual, was being stupid during the task - diving into the water as if she was possessed by some bhootni, shouting out the alpabhets crazily, etc etc. There were some communication problems during the task between the Roadies. I wonder why they couldn't say it as "A for Alpha" or "T for Tiger". They could've earned upto Rs. 1.5 lacs but they only managed to get Rs. 37,000 only (I hope I've got the amounts right otherwise do correct me!).
Then while at the hotel, an envelope comes. On the top of the envelope, "open at your own risk" was written. After few agreements and disagreements as to open the envelope or not, they finally opened it. "You will go through hell during the vote-out" was written inside it.
Next came the immunity task. The task was to have the milkshake and then go on the "The Claw" ride, which was mind blowing. Paulaumi, Palak and Sufi only managed to go through the two rounds until they puked out everything. Then came Natasha and amazingly, she stayed on till four rounds. Last came Nauman and he performed the superbly. Natasha's score was beaten by Nauman by few seconds. He won the immunity.
Now, Palak goes to Sufi and requests him not to vote against her and does her usual drama. Sufi tells her that he will not vote against her as long as Natasha doesn’t vote against her as well. At the vote-out, everyone except Palak herself voted against her. Rannvijay asks Palak to come next to him as she was leaving. Palak has an argument with Sufi. Now comes the twist. Just because they opened the enveloped, the voted-out Roadie becomes secure and that Roadie can take out any one Roadie out of the game, except Nauman as he was immune. Palak takes Sufi out. Rannvijay says some nice words about Sufi. Sufi finally leaves.
Sufi was the most deserving Roadie and he didn’t deserve to leave like this, I feel. He proved himself again and again but hey this is Roadies, expect the unexpected. Today’s episode was simply awesome. And to all those losers who spread rumours about the winner, today’s episode is your answer.
Something About Poulami, Palak And Dev
Most of us are critic of Poulami, Dev and Palak, for reasons which are absolutely frivolous. While some are insolent enough to brand Poulami a Psychopath, some are brazen enough to hurl expletives at Palak which malign her character; fortunately for Dev he is only being called a fool. Why are the three being despised in such a manner?
If it is their performance which makes you hate them, then know that most of the other contestants have not performed any better. What have Natasha, Bobby, Roop, Sandeep, Pradeep, Nauman (barring the comeback task),Varisha done worth mention ?
If you guys think they are dumb, what would you call Roop(Bobby included), who wasted an immunity, getting eliminated in the process.
Some have you have accused Palak of lacking manners, what do you have to say about the language employed by Bobby and Tamanna(with her weird accent). Why do you not hate Pradeep for raising his hands on Dev ?
Devarshi was called overconfident and vainglorious, what would you call Pradeep who boasted to Rannvijay that Nauman is not strong enough to beat him, but in the end losing to him by a whopping 28 seconds(Nauman almost completed the task in half the time Pradeep took).
The truth is, these three do not match up to your erroneous perception of how a roadie must look and act.
Recent interview of Devarshi Patel...
1.Why did you volunteer for the coffin task when you knew you'd be out?
I assumed that the person who got into the coffin would get immunity It's sad that the producers, Raghu and Rajig thought I got into the coffin because I wanted out of Roadies.
2.You voted Nauman out of the show and he's back now. Disappointed that you weren't called back?
No, it was my mistake, so I don't expect them to take me back. I made two mistakes, getting into the coffin and voting Nauman out.
3.Even Palak has returned.
She's back because people need masala. I'd tell everyone on the show that there's no hero without a villain in a movie. Palak was the villain. No one would talk to her. But I'd sit with her at times because she was so alone.
4.Was there anyone else on the show who backstabbed you?
Samrat did. He and I were friends right from the auditions. But when I was going into the coffin, Tamanna was about to stop me, he stopped her from trying to save me.
5.Is there anyone from the show you wouldn't keep in touch with?
Palak for sure. Bobby too. I had a crush on her but she hurt me. On the day Nauman was voted out, there was a plan to vote her out instead. I saw her sitting on a rock, looking really upset and I decided to get Nauman voted out. But on the camp night, I realised what kind of a person she is when she said, Tere soft corner ko jala doongi.
6.What are you up to now?
I'm working in an international call centre and doing MBA. It was my dream to come into the glamour industry I had always wanted to meet Raghu and I'm glad I did. I hope to land some Bollywood offers, obviously not as a hero, but I can be a good comedian.
7.Any message you want to give your fellow roadies who wroadies who were voted out as well?
I want to tell Bobby that it's not always good to be so selfish. She should care about others' feelings. She should be proud that someone liked her and sacrificed friendship for her.
Survival Of The Dumbest
Two roadies Devarishi and Paulomi, very different from all right from personal interviews. Their actions, statements everything sound stupid and funny and we can make out that they are dumbest of all atleast it looked that way to most of the people. Palak can be also considered in same category as we dont know why she is fighting or hitting someone ? Why crying ? Why speaking at wrong time ? Why shouting ? Though she is bit better than both but yes she is lot different from others or say normal people. Though all of them went far in the show and it was not expected.
Dev survived for long and remember he was not voted out, Palak and Paulomi are in top 5. Now the point here is acting stupid like Paulomi was flying like a bird in crocodile task, or say Devarishi's acts and statements during vote outs, or Palak fighting with Bobby without any reason after she won and many more examples like that, does it helps to survive and go far in the show ? Does acting stupid or weird saves you from having vote swing against you ? Is there a possibility that people may try to act like that in coming seasons of Roadies taking it is mantra to get selected and survive in the show ?
Share your views about it !
Samrat Songs Lyrics
Bandishon ko tu tood de,
Tere khawaabo ko na khone de,
Kar phir se waar tu hi manzil paayega,
Har disha mein goonj si ho,
Tu ho teri pehchaan ek din aisa ho,
Na dard dekh bus farz dekh,
Hey roadie keep going...
Final Five - Interesting Or Boring
Well, Roadies Hell Down Under is gonna end almost in 5 weeks. Final Five is out there in the middle...

Sufi - Injured, but can do any hard tasks, mixture of courage & glory.

Palak - Highly Irritating, Good at some tasks, over acting.

Paulami - She won't think about tasks, thinks about her bloody makeup, we are not here to watch their makeup & style.

Natasha - She plays game in fair manner and surviving in the show with brains without any controversies.

Nauman - He performs tasks well, but sometimes overconfident(that coin collection task) and loses out.
Are these FIVE interesting and deserving to be in the show, Are you seeing tough challenges taken by them ?
Natasha Most Unpredictable Roadie
Well from day 1 Natasha is the most unpredictable roadie, no one knows where she will take turn at the last moment. There is a similar strategy she is following and now reached top 5, she makes friends, wins trust and votes out that roadie. Starting with Roop she considered her as friend and ended up getting voted out trying to save her(as per her goodbye video), next was suzanna, trusted her and got out, then Sandeep for whom she had soft corner was next to go, and now Samrat. In Varisha's vote out she warned everyone, even Roop did, so whats the reason that Natasha is not in spotlight? Why anyone is not able to read her ? Is she a backstabber or will call her a smart player ? Or is she the one who is reading the game best ?
These are some questions to which should be given a thought, please share your views.
Palak's Underperformance

I think most of you haven't noted something about Palak's attitude in today's episode. After she was done with the money task, she said "I want to be good in all the tasks, be it money or immunity" but in her video diary she was said "If the task would have been for immunity and not for money I would have let those rugby players jump on me but it was for money so I didn't play so well".
Well that's make no bloody sense. Palak knows she cant boss over the roadies now, so she has decided to cry for everything. She reminds me of Anmol of Roadies 5, Palak just wants to cry and Whine. she is nothing but a big nautanki. She knows 3 things crying, shouting (with gaalis) & fighting.
Frankly speaking I don't like her. Yeh Bhi to socho ki If u wont perform in the money tasks, you will earn less money and this reduces the final prize money. Apni taraf se 100% daalo. Be it the Money Task or Immunity Task.
What do you have to say about this act of her?
Episode 11 - 22 March Story Unfold
707 kilometers the Roadies traveled to reach from Broken Hill to Dubbo. Wow! You know one thing that the show has stopped caring about is the journey itself. Sure the tasks are adventurous, showing the vote-out drama is necessary but 707 km they traveled and all they showed was probably a minute or two of journey footage. I would rather have seen footage of stuff like playing to the people on the road as they go whooosh past them, stopping over at Dhabas for paraanthe er.. stopping over at diners for pancakes, taking a piss on the open road, stopping for fuel and flirting with the babe in hot pants who filled your tank.. you know - journey stuff! I'd take that over Palak's AHHHHEEOWOHWOHAAAAHRARAAAAGRAAAARAHAHAHAAAA anyday.
Rugby Task
The rugby task was FUN! The initial plan was to have both the Roadies and the Dubbo Rhino team blindfolded but the ghungroo idea seemed better to me. Why? Because otherwise we'd have Paulami's tippy-toe-tippy-toe-dodge-OHFOCKRUNNNNN--TACKLE!!
Thought that Samrat got a very clear advantage of space by going first which is why he scored the touchdown. The Dubbo Rhino team figured out where they should be standing after that and no one managed to go past the second line of defense, 2 bazillion points to Palak for crying foul to Rannvijay like a kindergarten kid- "RV uncle, RV uncle. woh cheater hai!!! Usne kuuu dhakaa diyaaa"
Crocodile Task
Following this, was the very dangerous, very Mountain Dew-y(Gala sab ka sooktha hai, g^^nd sabki phatti hai, toh aane do darr ko kyunki darr ke aage jeet hai!!)
Sufi hobbling in the water on crutches was just sad to watch but the guy pawned everyone else and won immunity. Nauman was a jackass to go mess with the croc in the last 5 seconds and to actually pin the croc down with the hand in which he was holding all of his chips. Palak was faaltu overreacting.The crocs were like >------< big, that lil' mouth comes towards you to bite - kick it out the damn pit. Paulami pawns with her quotes always! "Mud is good for the skin".
Vote Out
Then came the vote out and I could not make head or tail of what the fight was about. This is what I mentioned about the episode being disconnected, the back story to the Palak-Sufi-Sam *coughcoughorangutan* rat argument was not established prior hand and hence when Sufi said.."Tune mere ko bola ki Nauman ke pass jaake ki Natasha ne Samrat ko bola ki Tamanna ko Paulami ke against nikaalo kyunki Bobby ne Roop ko bola ki Kiri ne Pradeep ko bola ki woh Sandeep, Vicky ka dost hai or ye Samrat ne Nauman ko bola ki woh Tamanna ko bolo aur usne jaake Suzanna ko bola ki Nauman ko bolo ki Samrat ko bole ki Pradeep aur Sandeep ko bolo ki Sufi bahut bada mc hai"
Samrat got kicked and you just HAVE to watch Behind the Scenes to see him sing cum dance cum overact cum cum his pants during that song he did.
Next week: Vomit. Lots of Vomit. Light brown, light yellow vomit. And OPEN AT YOUR OWN RISK envelope.
Sufi Is Real Roadie Winner

Well FINALLY a deserving guy in Roadies and what a guy seriously. I guess the 1st time in roadies history someone show courage & glory even he is not physical well.
WOWWWWW.....hats of to you Sufi...
When Rannvijay asked him to participate for Rugby Task, that time also he was ready for task on his left leg, but Rannvijay refused to him to do so. Obviously, in Roadies there is no compulsion for to do every task. But Sufi did it. Sufi jump in to mud where 2 crocodiles were rolling very fast, but he took the risk with his broken leg and collected 1950 points in just 30 seconds. Almost double from other fellow roadies.
Kya himmat thi, man. I mean the time he stood up and show the real roadie... a true winner in every task. Well done Sufi....
Episode 11 - 22 March - Samrat Voted Out

At last Samrat voted out from Roadies 6. Everybody was planing against him except Palak and Paulomi. 5 out of 3 votes against Samrat. Sufi, Nauman and Natasha(MOST SHOCKING ONE).
Do you think that Samrat did a mistake by saying that he was not gonna vote out Sufi from the show ever or any cost. Was this the key which made the roadies vote against him ?
Episode 11 - 22 March Story
The episode may leave us longing for more. But it was a very good one. It kicked off with a 700 Km long journey which took Roadies to their next destination. Then, the Roadies had the first money task in which Samrat performed exceedingly well and gathered more than 1 Lakh in 2 attempts. The funny part was Palak who tried to oversmart ! but in the end turned out crying and whining.
In came the Immunity Task in which the Roadies had to face their fear head on !..and i must credit them for doing so. Samrat did exceedingly well, and so did Nauman but
he was unfortunate as he lost out on Chips to get some more. The crocodile were fast. But in the end..Sufi was the CROC DOC
Vote out... Where Samrat was the person who acted so desperate to get his point threw but wasn't able to do that. Hats off to Nauman and Sufi, They have pulled off a master stroke which leaves Palak alone in this game and Polly as a soft target.
The episode was fun as usual !...But this episode will surely give us all an idea that who gets voted in the future !
Lets see what happen NEXT...
Nauman Taking Revenge With Palak
After seeing todays MTV Roadies episode, I strongly feel Nauman is taking some type of revenge from Palak by making her alone day by day & keep cutting her supports.
Because what Palak did with Nauman and her friend Tamanna was in front of everybody.
So feel ki yeh Nauman ka plan hai Palak ko hurt karne ka har stage par.
What u all feel...?
Roadies 6.0 Journey So Far - Short Story
Episode 1(10th January)
# Roadies divided into 2 groups of 10 each ; 1 group safe and the other in Danger.
# The group in danger has to perform a task to survive elimination. Group divided into two teams - team green & team yellow.
# Team yellow wins in the task.
# Team green eliminated.
# Team yellow again has to face a vote-out.
# Puneet aka Sufi VOTED OUT of the show.
Episode 2 (17th January)
# Every Roadies Got Nokia N96
# Again Two Groups : Team BRATS (Red Team) & Team OM BLUES (Blue Team)
# Task 1 (Collecting Animal Shits)
Winner : BRATS
# Immunity Task (Hindi Language Check)
Winner : BRATS
# Varisha Hawelia VOTED OUT
Episode 3 (24th January)
# Tamanna threatens to commit suicide
# Roadies Reach Udaipur
# Money Task : Udaipur folk Dancing (Kachi ghodi & Ghumar)
# Winner : BRATS
# Pradeep & Dev Had A Fight (Thanks to Sandeep)
Money Task Update :
BRATS : Rs.80,000
OM BLUES : Rs.00
Episode 4 (31st January)
# Immunity Task : Riding The Rope
Winner : Dev & Tamanna
# Palak & Tamanna Had Another Heavy Fight
# VOTED OUT : Palak Aka Gurmeet
# Kiri Joined Om BLUES.
# Distance Created Between BRATS Team Members
Episode 5 (7th February)
# Roadies Reached MOUNT ABU
# Money Task : Controling Vomiting As Much As They Can !!
# Winner : OM BLUES
# Winning Amount : RS.50,000
# Immunity Task : Balancing & Walking Over Broken Glasses
# Winner : Paulami De
# VOTED OUT : Nauman Sait
# Money Update :
BRATS : RS.80,000
OM BLUES : RS.50,000
Episode 6 (14th February)
# Roadies head towards Gujarat
# Bobby meets with an accident
# Roadies Camp
# Money Task : Pool in the Pool (roadies had to pot maximum balls in the holes inside the swimming pool.
# Winner : Om Blues (70,000 bucks)
# Rannvijay and Roadies vis-Ã -vis around bonfire and ask questions to each other.
# Money Task Update:
Om Blues : Rs 1,20,000
Bratst : Rs 80,000
# Episode Ends With Raghu & Rajiv's Entry !
Episode 7 (21st February)
# Immunity Task : Lying In The Coffin
# Winner : OM BLUES
# SUDDEN OUT : Devarshi Patel (Reason : Foolish Activities Throughout The Task)
# Immune : Bobby, Pradeep, Sandeep, Tamanna, Kiri, Samrat & Paulami.
# VOTED OUT : Roop Bhinder
Episode 8 (28th February)
# Roadies Headed Towards The Last Desination In India Named Silvasa
# Two Groups Were Broked By Raghu & Winning Moneys Were Also Taken Back.
# Immunity Task : Kushti (Wrestling) Between Same Gender.
# Winner : Samrat (Boys) & Natasha (Girls)
# Task : Archery (Between Samrat & Natasha)
# Each Roadie Were Also Given A Chance To Earn Back The Money.
# Winner : No One
# VOTED OUT : Suzanna Mukharjee
Episode 9 (8th March)
# Roadies Reached Australia.
# 3 Wild Card Entries : Nauman; Palak & Sufi.
# Wild Card Entries Had To Replace 3 Roadies By Winning A One-On-One Task.
# Task 1 : Climb The Ladder (Sufi Vs. Kiri)
Winner : Sufi
# Task 2 : Zomb Sports (Nauman Vs. Pradeep)
Winner : Nauman
# Task 3 : Mechanical Bull Riding (Palak Vs. Bobby)
Winner : Palak
# Palak & Bobby Had A BIG Fight.
# VOTED OUT : Sandeep Singh.
Episode 10 (15th March)
# Roadies Reach Memindee In Broken Hill.
# Task 1 (Immunity + Advantage) : Jumping Over The River.
Task Between 2 Groups.(Except Paulami)
Group 1 : Sufi,Tamanna & Palak
Group 2 : Samrat, Natasha & Nauman
# Winner : Group 2 (Samrat, Natasha & Nauman)
# Paulami & Palak Had A Great Fight & Palak Hit Paulami Badly.
# The KARIZMA Task : Fight & Survive Up To 2 Minutes With Professional Wrestlers.
Roadies Choose a door from three doors.
Samrat Won a Hero Honda KARIZMA Without Fighting.
Nauman & Natasha Back Out.
Palak & Sufi replace Natasha & Nauman.
Palak Wins the Hero Honda KARIZMA.
# Sufi Survives in the ring for 1:55 minutes
He gets his ligament fractured and plastered.
# Sufi gets a choice between immunity and Karizma
Sufi heads for Karizma.
# VOTED OUT : Tamanna
Lets Play Roadies Awards
Hello Roadies, Lets play a FAIR game on MTV Roadies 6.0 Contestants. Lets share our valuable opinion with fellow Roadies fans. If Roadies nominated for awards then who will what, share & know, And the Categories are:-
1. Better Judgment(Raghu or Rajiv or Nikhil):-
2. Outstanding Audition:-
3. Deserving Roadie:-
4. Non-Deserving Roadie:-
5. Best location:-
6. Best Vote out:-
7. Best Task:-
8. Best Music During Vote Out:-
9. Back Stabber:-
10. Sexiest Male:-
11. Sexiest Female:-
12. Master Planner:-
A. Just copy all categories and paste in POST A COMMENT box and give your awards....SIMPLE
B. No Vulgar or Abusive Comments PLEASE keep reply clean
C. Only Give your CHOICE
D. There Can Be more then 1 Choice for 1 Category
Hero Honda Karzima Winner

As we all know that MTV Hero Honda Roadies give 5 brand new Karizma bike in every season. So, its the time for this season's Karizma bikes. MTV gave 3 bikes so far to Gurmeet Kaur Johal aka Palak, Sufi Malhotra & Samrat Kaushal.
Congrats, to all Karizma winners, but there is 2 more Karizma bikes, who knows who will win those bikes ?
Samrat The Smartest

Some people says he is dumb, some says he has low profile and had done nothing in the show, but I think he is playing smart, no one is against him except Tamanna, so no vote out for him so far, the guy can do tasks at anytime certainly better than others, I think so far he has done well and playing smart and is quite favorite in Roadies Hell Down Under.
Money Tasks In Roadies 6.0
I don't know how many you have notice this but its really unusual that we are now down to last 6 Roadies and still there is no money in Roadies Bank Account.
I think these season there is not much importance is given on this aspect of show. Even in last episode i was hoping that as new journey of roadies was starting in Australia, now chances would be given to roadies to earn some money but instead they come up with immunity task.
What u guys think the reason can be .. Looks like Money is losing its importance in show as compared to previous seasons .. Even roadies looks not that eager as we saw Samrat didn't want to took 2 Lakh for giving up immunity when it was quiet sure no one going to vote out him (In Natasha case it was understandable)
If this pattern continues in coming seasons i think it would only be immunity tasks and war of survival as its appears in the eye of MTV Crew they are more interesting and keenly fighted by roadies as well.
Episode 11 - 22nd March Preview

Bet all of got the glimpse of task in the sneek preview to next episode (Episode 11 - 22nd March)....... Man I can,t wait to watch that espeacially the scene they showed with Palak reaching out to the crocodile it almost snapped on her, that was scary.......
Lets see what happens
Crocodile ke saath bhi koi twist ho sakhta hai......It could be fake? I Bet they do have some safty precautions but usually a roadie or 2 does end up injured.........
Lets see what the crocodile has in store for the roadies
Nauman Is Really No-Man
Nauman proved to everyone that he is not good in any form of friendship and in any kind of task except Swimming Task because -
When Raghu told in wrestling task he replied to Raghu "NO BACKING OUT", but then Raghu told that you will win Hero Honda Karizma over your immunity then he choose immunity over performance, such a coward....... but when sufi performed even he lost task with just 5 seconds, he choose Hero Honda Karizma bike over that is Roadies spirit....Sufi performs well and got reward for his broken leg.
Also at time of vote out Samrat and Palak pressured him to do vote out Tamanna, that time also he was unable save her friend or love, but one thing he did good, his vote was against Poulami.
So, what you think about Nauman or No-Man.....
Serious Apology...
Hi Guys & Girls,
As all of you know that this blog was down from last 4 days. I'm really sorry for that. But there was A BIG REASON FOR THAT. Actually, Creators of MTV Roadies send me a copyright violation against this blog, because....
1. This blog stored personal photos of Raghu Ram & Rannvijay
2. LOTS OF stills or images stored from various forums, websites and blogs.
3. Original images from MTVINDIA.COM & IN.COM
So, I've no other option left for my blog. I was busy with Viacom18Media or MTV India for the settlement against copyright violation. Today I got clean chit from Viacom18, thats why I open this blog to all Roadies fans.
So guys & girls,
From my past mistakes, I've learned so many things. Now I know what is BEST for this blog, what is BEST for all Roadies fans and what is BEST for ME too.
From now you will never see any kind of images from MTVINDIA.COM, IN.COM, forums, websites & blogs on this blog, if somebody stored any kind of Roadies images,then its the time to delete all those images, because MTV or VIACOM18 IS WATCHING.
But that doesn't mean you will not see any Roadies images on this blog, we will see -
1. All episodes images link to MTVINDIA.COM
2. All Roadies images except captured stills, MTVINDIA.COM & IN.COM
3. No Personal Images of MTV Crew Members & Senior officers
Again I apologize for my mistakes from Viacom18 and all roadies fans and viewers of this blog.
For Those People Saying Coward & Backstabber
You Guys seriously need to watch the episode again. Nauman rocked in the swimming task, he was best in the task.
Swimming Task: Nauman was definitely the best among boys in this task where Sufi sucked big time.
Wrestling Task: Guys, Nauman had immunity and did not wanted to lose it. It was a LOSE-LOSE situation for him as definitely only a fool can think that he could have outplayed those two giants unless you are BIG-SHOW or GREAT-KHALI. Same goes for Natasha. They backed off to save their Immunity. Raghu should have told them, "You will also lose immunity along with bike if you backed off." In the end, it was a wise decision on his part as you have seen sufi got badly injured in the task.
On the other hand, Sufi was staring the task at different angle. It was only a WIN-WIN situation for him even if he lose the task. What he had to do was just accept the challenge & it does not matters even if you lose & lastly he was smart enough to do that. IMO, Sufi still failed to win the task but was given the benefit of trying it which I already said, "It was a WIN-WIN situation for him." Also, if you look on the girls side, all the three girls including Poulomi raised their hand for challenge as they knew it is a WIN-WIN situation for them to get both bike & immunity. This was the reason that Poulomi who once said that she hates violence also raised her hand.
Now about Tamanna Vote-out: This Mtv members had poor/bad editing done, showing Nauman as a villain/culprit. Nauman really had no options left & there was certainly no-way that he could have saved his & Tamanna's arse at a same time. Samrat,Palak,Sufi had already ganged up against Tamanna & Nauman just could not help. Nauman in the end did not voted Tamanna.
Wow...What an Episode...
I think this episode had everything. It had action, emotion, drama, passion and spirit. Clearly, Sufi outshone and did superbly. The show kicked off with the Immunity Task in which Samrat and Team did well and we would have to say that they were lucky to win immunity. I would not like to talk much about the Paulami-Palak was cheap, disgusting and useless to say the least. Polly provoked Palak and she got it. Nauman got a chance to prove himself but he ended up loosing a friend, immunity and a bike !. HATS OFF TO SUFI for his effort. He really looked a man motivated and we could tell by his emotions that he just wanted to win at any cost which has earned respect for him from everyone.
Palak - Well she had to perform coz thats the only thing she's good at, and she did. Voteout- Tamanna didnt do anything to save herself as she knew that she could get knocked out.
I hate palak for what she said to Tamanna when she got voted out. It was DOWNRIGHT CHEAP AND UNACCEPTABLE ON NATIONAL TV. To summarize.what an episode it was. It had the true Roadie spirit in it and i know you all would have enjoyed the show ! Specially the way Paulami provoked Palak aka Bull !...I think with Tamanna out sadly we wont be seeing any romantic content in Roadies...
P.S : Tamanna said that i would like to be Naumi's gf !...
Episode 10 - 15 March Review
The episode started with the continuation to last episode and palak saying to Sandeep *******************, It doesn’t matter anyways .
1st Task
The location and idea of the first task was awesome. An advantage task initially converting into immunity task as well. Roadies were divided into 2 parts, 1 – Sufi,tamanna and palak ; 2 – Samrat.Nauman and Natasha, 00ps Pauli missing out. They had to work as relay team jump into river, take the flag and pass on to their partners tagging them. We find here Sufi is Hydrophobic so no marks for guessing, he underperformed (And people were shouting at roop), team overall collecting 4 flags. But no1 ever heard any dialogues then coz palak was shouting so loudly I am sure everyone’s TV was mute. Other team collected 6 flags but didn’t tagged each other initially (n00bs). So both teams were tied leaving the immunity for sudden death. Samrat did well even after missing out on first chance, giving his team the immunity. YAY
The roadies had to spent night at camp (Not as a different experience, but the place was deserted ^_^). Finally paloumi showed her roadies spirit hitting palak really hard(with her words ofcourse). She called her bull, man ,coward, underperformer and what not. Finally palak pushed her, kicked her and abused her >_<. But paulomi was consistent performer she was still harassing her . MAIN SACH BOLUNGI ,MAIN SACH BOLUNGI. Finally palak released she’s in Australia so she cried crocodile tears. Samrat broke in and things settled down.(WHY?).
2nd Task
Finally the task on rocky mountain. Everybody was biting their nails hoping it was a money task (7 contestants 8 lakhs rupees CAN YOU SMEEL SOME BIG BANG??????) but *sigh* after thrashing palak a bit, raghu announced the fighting task. Advantage task was to win the KARIZMA BIKES(drools) which was only for the immuned people. Out of 3 doors they were supposed to choose 1.The 3 doors had (1- 1 6.5ft professional wrestler , 2- 2 6.5ft professional wrestlers , 3 – a small child which represented karizma). So basically this was a wrestling match and roadies had to fight with the wrestlers(ofcourse of same sex). Samrat won a bike without facing them, natasha got lucky to face 1 wrestler and nauman got lucky to face 2 wrestlers. When asked to choose immunity vs karizma, both backed out and consequently lost the immunity. Palak and Sufi grabbed their chances and plunged in middle of wrestling ring, Go roadies go
Palak gave a tough fight, both literally and in abusing her(The blue coloured thing ,wackaon) and with the help of some kung-fu dances she managed not to get pinned out 5 times in 2 minutes wining the KARIZMA. Sufi, bad luck for him coz those 2 wrestlers were crafty and damn what spirit he showed! After earning a lot of respect and getting pinned out 5 seconds before 2 mins he was moved to hospital where he got a fracture in his leg (Those 2 female wrestlers were doing NURSE’s work. LMAO)
Vote out
Palak attituding nauman, nauman bitching to samrat, sufi fueling palak, samrat getting confused and time for vote out. Tammana OUT this time and her game’s over. Again a few hair-pulling, TU-TU MAIN-MAIN and episodes over. As usual to be CONTI-NUDE. The best episode so far which had everything in it.
Download Sandeep Vote Out Song

1. During Sandeep Vote Out Song
2. Sandeep Vote Out Song, When He Was Going
Use Right Click and Select option Save Target As
Most Famous Dialogues
Most Famous Dialogues
Rannvijay when he was trying the ladder task
" Ya to ab main rahuga ya mere hone wale bacche ! "
Rannvijay's expression while Palak was hugging him (talk about being opportunists)!!!
and Sandeep - is baat ki khushi hai ki jab tak tha,sabki phad ke rakhi.
Bobby's memorable line
Soft corner hua bhi na......
nikaal ke aag lagaa dungi ....
Palak - Mereko ab dimaag se kaam lena hai..hyper nahi hona hai..gusse mein liye hue decision sahi nahi hote!!
Chhotu - Main bol raha hoon na ki wo 5 sec mein gir jaayegi..5 sec mein..
(n after Bobby falls)
maine kaha tha na..
chalo lao mere paise!!
Bumpy aka Nature Baba - Aur wo Bhaise ke neeche itna bada Condom..main use Condom isliye bolta hoon bcoz its protection!!
Bumpy aka Nature Baba - Bhagwan kare main agle janam mein bhaisa na ban jaau..aur us gaon mein Pluck na kaam kari ho..woh mujhe choodegi nahi..MAA %*#^! Degi Meri!!
Palak about Bobby,"Bahut kehti thi ise fod doongi use fod doongi, ise dekh lungi use dekh lungi"..."Poulomi se haar gayi"
Nauman - Palak waise bhi ek bull hai aur ek bull ko pata hota hai doosre ko kaise handle karna hai
Kiri - To be a Roadie is once in a lifetime opportunity..& if i try again next year..i know ki nahi hoga..
Pradeep - Kiri always wanted to be a warrior..and after this task he is a Warrior!!
Dev to Pradeep: ae bhai shanti rakh..!!
TAMMY - "main chahti toh vapas andar ja sakti thi...par kya dubara shirte utarvani i gave up..."
Tamanna - le maine kyun newspaper padna hai, main kyun padun newspaper
Raghu - han woh toh dhakkan hai kuch bhi chaapta rehta hai!
Raghu to Natasha-' u wanna tell me that u r a looser'
Natasha-'no i dont want to tell u that'
Raghu-' u wanna tell me that u r a fattu'
Raghu-'then what is the third reason'
Natasha-'i dont know i gave my best'
Raghu-'but your best wasn't good enough infact your best suxx it suxx
DEVARSHI: saari ladkiyan jal rahi thi ki dev itna handsome itna dashing ladka humein kyun nai lyk karta.
Vote For Your Favourite Roadie
MTV Roadies: How to Vote for ur Favourite Roadie!!
1. Voting for Roadies shall commence from 8th March,2009 at 19:00:00 hours and shall conclude on 13th April 2009 at 08:59:59 hours or such other date as would be advertised and communicated ("Period").
2. The Winner of Roadies - Hell Down Under will be influenced by SMS voting by viewers.Voting begins from the 1st episode of the international journey.
However, votes will be counted ONLY for the Roadies who reach the Finale.Viewer votes will NOT determine which Roadies will reach the Finale or which Roadie gets eliminated in episodes prior to the Finale.
Viewer votes are solely one of the criteria among others that will be taken into consideration while choosing the Winner of Roadies - Hell Down Under.
3. The user(s) who are interested in participating in the voting can participate through the following modes:
The user(s) who is willing to participate in the voting and save their favorite jodi through SMS,should send an SMS as per the keywords given below:-
a.) Name: Paulami
Keyword: PAU
b.) Name: Natasha
Keyword: NAT
c.) Name: Samrat
Ketword: SAM
d.) Name: Tamanna
Keyword: TAM
e.) Name: Nauman
Keyword: NAU
f.) Name: Palak
Keyword: PAL
g.) Name: Sufi
Keyword: SUF
Eg. If a user wants to vote for Palak,he/she must sms PAL to 56882. Only the above 3-letter names will be considered as valid votes.
4. Only subscribers of Airtel, BPL, Idea, MTNL-Mumbai, Rainbow, Reliance, Tata, and Vodafone will be entitled to participate in the voting through SMS. Costs per SMS will be upto a maximum of Rs. 3 per SMS. Users can confirm details of the SMS costs with their respective operators.
5. The cost of the SMS shall be solely borne by the user(s). The cost of each SMS shall be charged by the respective mobile operators.
Paulami Is Far More Better Than Bobby
bobby has not performed any task properly so far. She knows only to cry in every epid and gain sympathy for herself.
She lost so badly by Palak. Palak proved herself.
Bobby is a Super loser.
Everyone keeps telly that the worst contestant in this season is PAULOMI.......
I really don't understand why ???
Atleast PAULOMI won straightly once, in the POT balancing task. She did it so beautifully.....
What the F*** has bobby did ??.............She didn't even deserve to come to Australia
Lots Of Drama In Australia
Well show started with intense pleasure and smile,and why not finally roadies were going Australia and were going to be the first Indian's to drive HERO HONDA KARIZMA on roads of Australia according to Rannvijay. But as always said never expect anything as whatever you expect will not happen on the show, so did this time. Three ex-roadies SUFI, NAUMAN AND PALAK came back for a chance to be back as a roadie. Well it was not that they could be all in all roadie, for that they had to prove themselves first and had to take a position of current roadies.For that they had to choose one roadie and had to beat him/her in respective task to cement there place as a roadie. Well thinking was done all was set until CHITS system came handy and roadies were picked according to their luck.
First was a competition between SUFI and Kiri. A ladder climbing cum pulling task. At this task Sufi went first and then was the chance for Kiri. Both performed extremely well. Kiri with bit hard luck and a slight mistake came with bit more time then Sufi and so Sufi was the winner of that task, which means Kiri out. Hats off to that guy, he really got roadies spirit and was real nice man in nature to and congratulations to Sufi for wining it.
Next task was between NAUMAN and PRADEEP and task was to be inside a giant ball full of oxygen and to move it from with in towards a destination marked with a flag. Pradeep went first in it and clearly Nauman got an advantage to see him and learn from his mistakes, and that exactly what he did. Nauman was a clear cut winner in it and congratulations to him and as Pradeep said he want to prove himself but on personnel not he was bit disappointment as he could have done much better as much he speak he could.
Then came to most intense and crucial competition between BOOBY and PALAK. Arch rivals come hand to hand in front of each other. Task was to ride and stay for as much time you can on a mechanical bull with each roadie 3 chances in there bag.
Bobby started first and it was a disappointment for her as she felt down from it very fast and soon. She made an excuse by saying its slippery due to her shorts Bermuda's. Well that not was the case with Palak as she ride and stayed on bull as real cow-boy. Even despite of efforts from Bobby both with clothes changes and her power Palak was truly an out class for this day. She beat her in the task quite comfortably by winning all the 3 rounds on bull with maximum time stayed on it. Well Bobby well played taking in account she was not 100% fit.
Well it was not over there. A real cat fight was around the corner. Both Palak and Booby got into an argument with Palak pushing back bobby from her throat and in reply Bobby kicking Palak hard. Well surely Rannvijay had to step in to step both as it was going ugly with lots of abusive words exchanged. Well finally it was bye to Bobby who really cried and felt what roadies actually meant to her.
You must be thinking okie its over now. Well they proved us wrong again as here comes Rannvijay again with a twist. There was a vote out left in which all three new roadies Sufi, Nauman and Palak getting immune as they rightly performed and had proved there selves. Well at the vote out it was clear there would be competition between Sandeep and Tammana and this time with no friends left Sandeep was the victim and going back with 5 votes against him.
Well it was that show in which roadies crew break up all the politics going around the camp and making the roadies hell more interesting. The performers were left in the game who will continue there journey in Australia. And it was end of the game for three friends all in together out of the game. We really had real time ahead with us in upcoming episodes.So stay tuned.
Well that was my review and thinking about above show.whats yours?
Episode 9 - In & Out In Australia
It was one fantabulous episode. Seems like Sunday is bringing wonders to roadies. Somehow it feels nice to watch it on Sundays now, one factor being I am not disappointed much with Sat 7 PM as well. Do you feel any change as well now seeing RHDU Sunday 7 PM??
Coming back to the episode...
It was an awesome start. As expected Nauman, Sufi, Palak came, but they are gonna be replacing the existing Roadies??? Woo Hoo!! Not expected. Sufi up against Kiri, Nauman up against Pradeep, and Palak up against Bobby!. Kiri came as a surprise but anyway that was how it was supposed to be. The tasks were good, straight, simple and yet challenging. It was more about composition than any physical strength. In the end its performance all the way that counts. Bobby did not perform and so has to go. She never did, did she? Though Palak performed well but she has a big mouth. Bobby kicking Palak, would be remembered for long...
In the end a vote out before the journey starts in Australia was again unexpected. Sandeep finally got to be an easy target after he lost his protecting shields. And the To Be Contd... at the end and the clippings for the next episode has left a lot to expect from the next episode with Palak seeming to be involved everywhere now. But that has been the case with Roadies. It raises the expectations and then so easily it takes out the flow from a week long wait. I am hoping Sunday 7 PM does not bring the same story yet again.
Episode 9 - Hell Down Under
MTV Roadies 6 - Episode 9 - 8th March Highlights
1. Sufi, Nauman and Palak back in MTV Roadies 6.
2. Sufi vs Kiri in Ladder Climbing Task
Sufi Wins, Kiri Lost and now out of Roadies
3. Nauman vs Pradeep in Zorb Task
Nauman Wins, Pradeep Lost and now out of Roadies
4. Palak vs Bobby in Bull Riding Task
Palak Wins, Bobby lost and now out of Roadies
5. And in Vote Out Sandeep was Voted Out
Raghu Ram In Music Reality Show
After starting with a slate of 5 shows, the new Hindi entertainment channel REAL announced two new shows – Sitaron Ko Choona Hai and Ninja Pandav .
Sitaron Ko Choona Hai, will start from March 9th and will air every Monday to Thursday at 8 pm. An indigenously developed reality show based in a music academy, the show will create singing sensations out of untapped talent. Twelve young and talented singers follow a harsh daily regimen under the strict tutelage of a disciplinarian Head of the Academy. The head of the Academy is the blunt and straight forward Raghu Ram of the MTV Roadies fame. To help them on this journey, the Head brings a faculty that helps them in their journey to become Stars. Accompanying Raghu are singer and performer, Neha Bhasin of the Viva fame and voice coach Prashant Samadhar. Together, the trio will guide the 12 hopefuls in realizing their full potential at the academy.
Says Raghu Ram, “ Sitaron Ko Choona Hai is about real people, real emotions and a real metamorphosis that leads to a magnificent musical extravaganza where all the contestants will showcase their talent to the nation. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime for most contestants.”
Remaining Roadies Performance Analysis
The aim of this post is to analyse the performance till date of the roadies still left in the show.
Samrat - An awful lot was expected of him, was a major let down, but he redeemed himself through the wrestling task
Natasha - Valiant attempts in several task but the jury is still out.
Tamanna - Has performed exceedingly well, only if she can dispense with her false accent and unwanted arrogance she will go a long way.
Bobby - What has she done till know(i have no idea what she is doing here, she ought to be at home watching roadies)
Pradeep - Words speak so loud that actions are few and far between
Sandeep - Has emulated Pradeep.
Kiri - The best thus far, has excelled in everything thrown at him ( Other achievements: exposed Roop the planer, stood up to Pradeep's threats and called him a Coward on his face)
Poulami - Her performance has been above par and her innocence is contagious.
If i have left anybody out please excuse me.
Roadies 6.0 - 28 Feb - Lamest Episode Ever
I think that yesterday's episode was the lamest in the history of Roadies. Raghu tried his best to make it interesting but it was all in vain.
The episode started with the Wrestling task. It was interesting from the boys side and Samrat showed his smartness by kicking out Pradeep and Kiri when they were both at the edge. It was unfair, but again, everything is fair in Love, War and Roadies.
The girls' side was really boring. Firstly, Paulomi runs out of the ring thinking that her nails might get hurt, f**king coward (who made her a roadie?), then the girls went really really cheap in the task...BORING AND SHAMEFUL...
The next task was somewhat interesting as per the rules, but the foolish Roadies performed like Underdogs, especially Paulomi. It would be interesting if both Samrat and Natasha gave a cut throat competition to each other. Raghu was really embarassed as how he selected a bunch of idiot who can't even hit a target. This was the most boring part of the episode...
Then the vote-out. Again Raghu tried to make it interesting by offering monetary rewards to the Roadies...But they wanted to visit Australia...BTW Cox and Kings can take u to Australia for just 22,000 INR, So they could have gone to Australia for like 10 times if they took the reward...DUMBO
And then my personal favorite Suzanna was voted out...I HATE NATTY.
I don't know but this show was like *yawn* really *yawn* really *yawn* boring.
Maybe it was b'coz I was missing Devarshi, he made the previous shows a lot interesting and hilarious...WISH TO SEE HIM BAK IN AUSTRALIA...LOL
Frankly speaking, I am nowadays more interested in the 'Making of Roadies' than the actual episode, as they are much more interesting. I mean seriously, is this what I got by wasting 1 hour of my precious time during exams? It would have been better if I have picked up that bloody maths book and studied...
Note:These are my personal views, and obviously they will differ from many of the freakos out no offenses.
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